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A lot of positive feedback after presentation at Integration Days 2019. 

  • It is the largest gathering of professionals in the Nordics with a passion for system integration, digitalization and the possibilities it creates.
  • Our CEO, Pär Bergsten, was invited to speak at the event on Friday Feb 1 at 10.45 in Business Room: Conference Hall. The title of his presentation was: “Smart Positioning Revolutionizes the Industry”. He started by asking the audience: Why does position matter, does time matter? He then used the example of the maze to clarify H&D Wireless’ proprietary GEPS for Industry . There are 20 choices in the maze, right or left. If each choice takes 1 min, then if you know where to go, it will take you 20 min to reach the exit. If not, then it could take up to 2 years to reach the finish line!
  • H&D Wireless shared a booth together with ENFO.
  • Contact to schedule private meetings